
William O. 1736

Days Waiting: 580


Sponsor Now

Zil A. 1838

Days Waiting: 58


Sponsor Now

Zilpa A. 1548

Days Waiting: 1020


Sponsor Now

GGCC Gift Policy:  We understand donors desire to support and encourage the children they sponsor and we are grateful for the love and support you provide.  GGCC has adopted the following policy on gifts:

  • Gifts for individual graduates continuing their education at the university level can be made directly through our Timothy Scholarship Fund.
  • As a GGCC Child Sponsor you agree to never directly send funds (Western Union, wire, et)  to any student, their family or their university.  This is done for their protection and well being.

GGCC Communication Policy:  We understand and encourage communication between sponsors and GGCC students.  It is GGCC policy that there is to be no direct electronic/telephone communication, including but not limited to Facebook, texting and phone calls to our GGCC students.  This policy is to ensure safeguards and protections for both donors and students.

Please contact the GGCC office with any questions.