Chris O. 1816 - Sponsor Now

Chris O. 1816

Grade Male: Kindergarten - 8th Gr.

School Grade 5

Chris Oremo was born in 2013 in Asembo. He is the youngest of three in his family. He is a partial orphan as his father passed away recently. His mother is living but faces many health challenges. Due to his mother’s ill health, Chris stays with his grandmother who is a peasant farmer. Peasant farming often does not bring in a lot of income. Therefore, Chris, being the youngest, has faced many challenges in going to school consistently. When there isn’t enough money, he is unable to attend. His grandmother often struggles to put enough food on the table.

Given that his sisters are much older than he is, they have been able to get through school. Chris’s oldest sister, Everline, is a college graduate. The second, Cynthia, is in college now.

Chris was admitted to GGCC in January of 2024 as a partial orphan and vulnerable child. He is happy to join the school and prays that the Lord will help him meet his life dream. His mother and grandmother are very grateful to the administration for considering Chris.

At GGCC, he will learn without interruption or fear of being sent home for school fees. This will help him to concentrate on his academics and meet his dream of being a teacher. He likes the school compound, the teachers and the pupils. His best subjects are math and science.

During his leisure time, Chris likes playing soccer. He is in good health.  

Grade 5 - 2024

DOB: 2013

Partial Orphan