Abraham O. 1839 - Sponsor Now

Abraham O. 1839

Grade Male: Kindergarten - 8th Gr.

School Grade Kindergarten

Abraham is the youngest in his family of four children. He was born in Gwassi Suba, South Sub-County. His father died leaving Abraham and his siblings under the care of their mother. This family has faced significant challenges in survival.

Abraham’s mother has struggled with mental health issues. She moved around a lot with Abraham, living in Takawiri first, starting Abraham in school at Takawiri Primary School. Unfortunately, she did not send him to school consistently and was unable to meet the most basic needs of food and shelter. She then moved to Mfangano Island, where she lived in many run-down places along the beaches. Homes that were abandoned and no longer fit to live in. Moving so often hindered Abraham from attending school at all. Well-wishers were often the only means for Abraham to get food. He wore torn and ragged clothing and did not have shoes.

Because of the dire living situation, his mother’s mental health status, and the lack of available resources for this family, GGCC administrators stepped in to invite Abraham to attend GGCC. He was initially enrolled in grade 1, but because of the inconsistency for which he attended school previously, he struggled immensely to keep up. He has since been moved down to grade PP2, in order to get a handle on the basics and be set up for success as he moves forward.

Upon enrollment at GGCC in 2024, well-wishers have stepped in to provide him with some supplies for his new school. And after arriving at GGCC, he was amazed and thankful to have a bed, mattress and blanket of his own. Along with uniforms, he will have access to three meals a day, which is new for him, and sleep in a safe, warm, comfortable environment.

Abraham is thrilled to join GGCC. He will have the opportunity to concentrate on his studies. He would like to become a doctor when grows up. He likes playing soccer with his peers.

During the school breaks and holidays, GGCC administration has arranged for Abraham to stay with some of his mother’s distant relatives who live at Makira Village. This will help him to have a safe place to call home.

Grade PP2 - 2024

DOB: Unknown

Partial Orphan